All server responses are in CML format

The WordPress for Gaming system has a number of functions readily available to both fetch and store data

How it works

Quick overview

Unreal Engine
  1. Create a new WPData object
  2. (optionally) assign delegate actions to trigger when
    1. The server responds with a success
    2. The server responds with an error message
  3. Call one of the numerous available functions to save or fetch the relevant data

Use the WUData singleton from anywhere to call any of the available functions to fetch or store data. Optionally assign delegate responses to trigger when the server sends back a response. Every server contact will result in either a success or error response

Categorized data

All data is stored under categories or under a blank category if desired. Data can be retrieved as a single field, by category or by game 

All functions come in three variations:

  1. The normal version fetches the current player’s data. These functions use the base function name. 
    Example: UpdateCategory
  2. For use with authoritative servers you have the same functions but with the word User added
    Example: UpdateUserCategory
  3. To share data among all users use the Shared variant of the function
    Example: UpdateSharedCategory

Available Base functions

void FetchField(FieldName, Category, GameId);
void FetchCategory(Category, GameId);
void FetchCategoryLike(Category, GameId);
void FetchGameInfo(GameId);
void FetchGlobalInfo(GameId);
void RemoveField(FieldName, Category, GameId);
void RemoveCategory(Category, GameId);
void UpdateCategory(Category, Fields, GameId);
void StoreImage(Image, FieldName, Category, Extension, GameId, Quality);
void DeleteImage(FieldName, Category, GameId);

Demos included:

C++ (Unreal) / C# (Unity)