WordPress Setup

In your WordPress dashboard, click on Plugins then “Add New Plugin”

Click on “Upload plugin”

Install the wordpress_for_gaming.zip asset

For Unreal:
You can find the plugin inside the Content/WordPressPlugin folder inside the installed plugin asset

  • Once the plugin has been activated you will see a new dashboard menu called GAMING. Inside, click on “All Games”
  • On the page that opens up, click on “Add New” to create your first game
  • On the page that opens up enter a name for your game and hit publish Optionally:
    • Upload a poster image by clicking on the “Set featured image” link
    • Upload a smaller image in landscape/ portrait mode / both to the Wide Banner / Tall banner slots, respectively
    • Enter a description for your game. If you let the plugin generate your games pages for you this is the content it will display so be sure to add everything you want to show for the game.
  • Go back to the “All Games” link to see your game listed. Note down the game’s ID. You will need this next

Unreal Engine Setup

Find and activate the plugin

Find and activate the plugin

Open the Plugins window and search for WordPress For Gaming

Configure your project

In project settings, under the Plugins section, select "WordPress For Gaming"

Website URL

The URL to where you installed WordPress. Do not add a trailing / and don’t use redirects. i.e. if you are using HTTPS, don’t enter HTTP and rely on the redirection.

Product URL

On the serial screen there is an option to take players to the product page to buy the game. Enter the URL to the product page here

Security String

The string you use to protect your website from uninvited people. Enter the same string here that you enter on your website in the GAMING dashboard menu

Require Serial

When login is successful, should the game ask for a serial before continuing (select true) or will you take care of any licensing later (select false)?

Game ID

The id of this game. See GAMING/AllGames in your WordPress dashboard to find the ID ( Click on “Add new” if you haven’t setup your game yet)


Currencies don’t need any configuration to use. Simply use them and they are created. This makes it impossible to know which currencies your game is using and thus your currency balance can’t be fetched automatically during login. If you will fetch it manually when you need it then you can safely ignore this array. Entering the names of your currencies here will tell the login system which currency balances to fetch during login so they are ready as soon as you need them

Fields To Fetch During Login

Select, from the available base information generated during user registration, which fields to download during login. This will save you from. User ID and user_email are fetched be default. Everything else is optional.

In addition, any field added to the usermeta table by any plugin on the website can also be fetched during login. As long as you know the meta_key value it will be available during login. Simply enter the meta_key values into the Meta array to instruct the login system to fetch them.

There are getters inside WPServerGlobals to fetch back all of the values fetched above. All except the values stored in Meta. These can be extracted from the FetchedFields property inside WPServerGlobals manually.

NOTE: Don’t forget to click on “Set as Default” after you have entered your settings !!!

Unreal Getting Started

Getting Started