The WordPress User Login kit allows you to use your existing WordPress website to both sign in existing users and to create new ones!!! An account made in your game can be used to log into the website and vice versa


Please note: This kit REQUIRES myBad Studios Core

The kit also includes password resetting in case you can’t log in, password changing for logged in users, updating of the personal info WordPress generates for it’s users (like real name, email and website details) as well as the option to keep you logged in.

Best of all is how simple it is to use!

  1. Simply install the plugin on your website
  2. Give the prefab your website url
  3. Drag it into a scene and hit play!

To make the kit functional with your project there are a number of callbacks you can hook into meaning you can make it active in your project without having to modify one single line of code in this kit.

The kit was also designed to be portable so if you use another GUI system you can easily convert it to work with any GUI system Unity supports.

  • Drag and drop account system!
  • Update personal information like name, email and website
  • Create user accouns for your website using Unity
  • Use WordPress website login details to log into your game
  • Supports “Remember me”
  • Password reset if you can’t remember your password
  • Password change after login
  • Use in your project without modifying the source!!!


      WULogin now also includes ShortCodes and widgets to display your game info on your website!
      Learn more about the WUSS PORTAL here..!