MBS Core

(1 customer review)


No game worth making is ever done by just installing an asset and hitting build. It involves work that often means tedious repetition. MBSCore is a frequently updated, very powerful base to build your project around. It vastly simplifying many of the complexities of making a game and is the foundation for all the assets on this store.

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The MBS Core kit currently contains:

  • CML

    ► CML is a custom data storage and retrieval system. To best describe it, think of it as XML, only easier, faster and better.

    ► CML contains a built in save and load system that utilises PlayerPrefs, Resources folders and file paths.

    ► CML allows you to generate typed variables dynamically at runtime

    ► CML is even smart enough to provide default values when you use a variable that doesn’t exist

    ► This both prevents runtime errors and allows you to save less data to disk

    ► Native support for int, long, float, bool, string, Vector2, Vector3, Quaternion, Color & Rect

    ► Includes a large selection of search, filter and navigation functions

  • Encoder

    ► Add MD5 and BASE64 en/decoding to your project

    ► 1 line of code to encode or decode a string

  • Entities

    ► Simply replace MonoBehaviour with MBSEntity and your entity is defined

    ► Loop over all instances of a specific prefab in your game without having to find them first

    ► Maintains active references as GameObjects are spawned or destroyed

  • Events

  • ► Contains a custom event based on EventArgs

    ► The event passes both a generic Object and a CML object

    ► The CML object can contain an infinite number of nodes

    ► Each node contains a Dictionary, a List and a generic Object reference

    ► Can easily be the only event you ever need

    ► Creates a way for you to assign many events or Actions to a single variable

    ► This makes for much less coding and no need to remember many event variable names

    ► This automates null checks when triggering events and also simplifies event cleanup

    ► Alternatively, simply use absolutely any GameObject to trigger or respond to events

    ► Identify events using int, string, enum or absolutely anything you want !

  • mbsStateMachine

    ► Super simple to use!

    ► Now also includes mbsStatemachineLeech which allows you to run multiple state machines off of a single state

  • MBSSingleton

    ► Simply replace MonoBehaviour with MBSSingleton to turn your class into a singleton!

  • mbsSlider

    Inspector configurable system to define areas to place GUI elements into. Slide content into and out of this area complete with fading in and out.

  • PleaseWait

    Display a rotating spinner in the center of the screen. 0 configuration, 1 line of code

  • StatusMessage

    ► Show messages on screen at runtime. 0 configuration, 1 line of code

    ► Shows for 3 seconds then vanishes

  • Notifications

    ► Ever needed to show an achievement or something being unlocked? This is for you!

    ► Animated panel slides in and out of the screen

    ► Slide from anywhere to anywhere and then back again

    ► Supports (optional) image along with the message and notification header

    ► Uses Unity UI

    ► Supports notification queuing.

  • Utilities

    ► Includes various utility functions to simplify your development

    ► Unity classes now have a FromString() method to go with it’s ToString() function

    ► Convert Color to hex values for use with Text Mesh Pro

    ► Update a Transform’s position or rotation directly without using temp variables

    ► Update an Image’s alpha value without using temp variables

    ► Strings now have a “bool IsValidEmailFormat()” function

    ► Strings now have a “Texture2D DownloadTextureTask()” function

    ► Strings now have a “Texture2D GetGravatarTask()” function

    ► Convert a Texture2D to a Sprite using Texture2D’s new ToSprite() function

1 review for MBS Core

  1. obstudio (verified owner)

    Modular and fantactic – 100% you are a gamedev 90% you have your website or you are planning to 80% that this website will be on wordpress 100% you got to use this asset as the base of your wordpress integration Using wordpress in your games gives so much possibilities. Just look for dev eloper-s other assets so you'll be sure that you need implement them in your games. Main pros are – simplicity of use, modularity and asset support. You don't need all plugins at start so you can only buy the basic ones. If you are not sure or you're in trouble just talk to developer – who is REALLY helpful. Cons – none.

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