Q: How do I get started?
Q: Why do I only see a blank screen after Login?
Q: What data can I fetch during login?
Q: Am I supposed to see the PostLogin screen after login?
Q: Why are the static values in WULogin empty directly after login?
Q: What does the error: “Necessary data rewind not possible” mean?
Q: Can I save data to my WordPress database if I install this kit?
Q: I have a user management plugin installed. Is this kit compatible with that?
Q: If I want to add custom behaviour or integrate this kit with other WP plugins, does this kit allow for that?
Q: How can I use the login prefab across scenes without duplicating the prefabs?
Q: Everything works fine in the editor and when I build the game. Why does the WebGL build gives me errors?

Q: How do I get started?
Q: Why do I only see a blank screen after Login?

The WordPress Login kit will authenticate your identity and log you in if your credentials match up. Once it’s done that, it triggers an event to tell you “You are successfully logged in”. It is now up to you to decide what you want to do now. Example: Load the next scene… How you do that is by first registering to the event and then running your own code once the event fires. This means 2 things:

  1. The login kit can be up and running in under 2 minutes and do what it’s supposed to do, but for your game to integrate with it you will need to write an extra script or function of your own
  2. You never need to edit anything in this kit to make it do custom things in your project. Just wait for the event to fire then tell your project to do whatever it is you want to happen when that happens

Create a new script and add the following:

void Start()
    WULogin.onLoggedIn += LoadNextLevel;

void LoadNextLevel(CML response)

Q: What data can I fetch during login?

In the inspector you will find a number of checkboxes that you can tick to select what fields you want to return from the WP_users table. Right below that you will find an array where you can specify any field you desire and that is basically the short answer to this question: If the field exists in usermeta then it can be fetched. Just enter it’s name in the array and immediately after successful login that information will be available to your application

Q: Am I supposed to see the PostLogin screen after login?

No. If you show the prefab while not logged in then the main login screen shows to give you the option of logging in or creating an account. If you show the prefab while you are logged in, those options are pointless. Instead, then you show the PostLogin page to give them the option to log out or to go back to playing the game. See the demo scene for an example of how to show the prefab with the PostLogin screen

Q: Why are the static values in WULogin empty directly after login?

I have attempted to fix this issue but some people still sometimes report having this issue pop up so let me explain it in case you ever encounter it. When you login the kit sends the success event to every function that is listening for it. Usually there will be at least 2 functions that respond to it. One is the one that you created to run your own code after login. The other is one of mine that takes the server’s response and stores it statically for your ease of use later. Depending on which function runs first, the static data will be available or it will not.

Just to play it safe I would recommend you use the static fields anywhere in your project EXCEPT in your login success event response function. All the data that will be stored statically are also passed to your function so simply use the data that was passed to your function rather than relying on the static data.


void AfterLogin(CML response)
    string nickname = response[0].String("nickname");
    string email = response[0].String("user_email");

Q: What does the error: “Necessary data rewind not possible” mean?

This means that the URL you are giving the WULogin plugin is no a direct link to your site and that it get redirected first. Unity’s WWW class does not support this redirection so you will need to find out where and why and how your URL is getting redirected and figure out the solution from there.

This is mostly related to how your server is setup. Many people don’t realise that www is simply a subdomain like any other subdomain and that some websites are setup to forward any link that starts with www to just / while others work the other way around. Other sites have http redirect to https while others use framed redirects to make www.mysite.com point to www.someothersite.com/users/12345/wordpress for example.

If you are getting that error then it means you need to give my plugin the URL of your website up to the folder that CONTAINS wp-content. I.e. if WordPress is installed at www.mysite.com then wp-content will be located at www.mysite.com/wp-content so you need to give my prefab the url http://www.mysite.com

One customer spent 2 days trying to get past this rewind error. I told her to remove “www.” from her URL and it worked perfectly. It turns out her site was redirecting all www traffic to /.

Another customer struggled for days to get past this error so I told him to change “http” to “https” and it worked perfectly. Turns out his server was setup to forward all http calls to https.

You need to figure out what is causing your URL to be forwarded and then use the final, forwarded url as the url in the prefab.

Q: Can I save data to my WordPress database if I install WULogin?

Mostly when people ask that question they mean “any data” and the short answer is no. However, with that being said, the information that WordPress creates for all users when their account is created (username, web site url, AIM, biography etc) that info is available to you via the kit and that information you can modify as much as you want.

Q: I have a user management plugin installed. Is this kit compatible with that?

That is a bit of a tricky one to answer since “compatible” is a very broad term. If there is any information that you need from that other plugin and that information is stored in the usermeta table then, yes, you can fetch that info back, no problem at all. If the plugin contains data that you need but which it stores in custom tables then, no, this kit does not support that right out of the box, no.

One customer did have this request once and it took something like 3 lines of code to fetch the data he wanted and pass that along with the login information and provide the compatibility he wanted. For further customisation a little more work will be needed but this kit is designed to be super, super easy to modify to add new features of whatever nature you require.

Q: If I want to add custom behaviour or integrate this kit with other WP plugins, does this kit allow for that?

Absolutely yes. There are a number of security precautions in place to prevent tampering with your website (I take care of that so you don’t have to worry about that) but with that said, adding new functions to the kit(s) is extremely, EXTREMELY simple and only has a few steps…

  1. Each kit has a CONST value defined within it inside of Unity. The login kit has the value “LOGIN”, for example, myCustom has “CUSTOM”.

    What you need to do is open the file named unity_functions.php and create a function that starts with the CONST value from the kit you wish to extend (but in lower case) followed by whatever name you want to call the function. After that, just add your custom code to that function. That easy.

    function loginHalloWorld() {}
  2. Your output from the function must be sent back as a single string or else WindowsRT platforms will throw out errors. Always use only my SendNode and SendField functions to format your response as proper CML. When ready, send the base64 encoded results to Unity using the SendToUnity function. Errors can be reported using the PrintError function.

    function loginHalloWorld()
      if (!current_user_can("read"))
         SendToUnity( PrintError("This user doesn't even have read authority") );
      global $current_user;
      $favorite_color = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, "fav_color", true);
      $response = SendField("five", 5);
      $response .= SendField("favorite_color", $favorite_color);
  3. In Unity, duplicate one of the functions in WULogin.cs that call WPServer.ContactServer (or create one yourself. Duplicating it just saves you some typing) and for the action to perform, pass it the name of your function, minus the prefix and that is it. You have now added a custom action to the kit.

    public void CallMyFunction(Action<CML> onSuccess, Action<CMLData> onFailed = null)
    WPServer.ContactServer("HalloWorld", filepath, ASSET, null, onSuccess, onFailed);

    Done. You now have a function, complete with error handling, that you can call to trigger your custom function

Q: How can I use the login prefab across scenes without duplicating the prefabs?

WordPress Login, starting from version 5.1.1, now contains a sample project to demonstrate this along with a very detailed readme.txt that explains exactly what is going on in the sample project and why it is done the way that it is done. It also contains an alternate version for cases where the first method is not appropriate. Please see the demo folder in the asset for the detailed answer and example for this question.

Q: Everything works fine in the editor and when I build the game. Why does the WebGL build gives me errors?

Unfortunately, since web browsers now enforce CORS for security and Unity themselves don’t have any idea how to setup CORS to allow you to use your WebGL builds across domains, the answer they gave me was simply to “Don’t do it”. WebGL games have the added restriction that other platforms does not have in that WebGL builds need to be uploaded to the domain that is being used in the login prefab. Any testing of the build must be done from that domain. In other words, in the editor it will work just fine but as soon as you build and then try to run the WebGL game from your local machine your web browser (not my code, not your code, not Unity, not your website…but your web browser) will simply deny your project from accessing the website.

If you look in the browser console you will see it shows an errors that plainly says something along the lines of “This code will not be run”. No matter how well you write your game, if the web browser decides what parts of your code it will run and what parts it will simply NOT run, then your project is always going to be at the mercy of your browser. So simply do what the guys from Unity told me and don’t try to run the WebGL game from any domain other than the intended target location (i.e. the domain used in the login prefab). Always upload your build first, then test it.