This kit was designd to allow you access to your (and your website members) myCred balances and will allow you to both fetch the current balances and update it as you see fit thereby instantly giving you multiple virtual currencies for your games, complete with viral social interaction to promote both your game and your website

NOTE: This package is an extension for and requires the WULogin kit

NEW! Multiple currencies now supported
Now this kit is your one stop shop for currency in your games!!!

There are only two functions to learn: FetchCredBalances and UpdateCreds. That is it!

myCreds is a free plugin for WordPress that allows you to reward your customers for logging in, visiting links, referring friends to your website and much much more. You can even sell your virtual currency to users for real money using WooCommerce plugins!!! For more info on myCreds, have a look here:

Install myCreds on your website then install this kit in your project and you are good to go!