
  • WUPostal – Allow you to read and make posts to and from your website with all the flexibility that WordPress affords you. Existing and custom post types, taxonomies, tags… all of it
  • WUInventory – A complete merchant system where you can define your game’s merchants in WordPress, create items and assign them to merchants. Have one merchant sell only potions, but another sell only food. Have one sell only bread while another sells all food except bread and candy… Full customization.

    You can then specify what stock the merchant has and when players go to the store, that is what will be available but as they buy and sell from the merchant, the merchant’s stock will update for your game. WUInventory will keep track of stock held by merchants as well as players. and of course, let’s not forget Unity UI interfaces for the stores and the player’s inventory…

  • WUTournaments – Create teams, create tournaments, set/pay prizes (Requires WUMoney), multiple tournament types, single / multiple winners per tournament or position, full compliment of website shortcodes to display team and member profiles as well as past/active/future tournaments
  • WUAuctions – Buy and sell your in-game items for virtual currency. Auctions will be open to all players to increase exposure. If you sell for in-game currency, the appropriate balance will be updated. If you sell for global currency, that balance is updated. Collect Apples in one game, sell it for WUCredits and use that to upgrade your sword in another game… Or just sell all your duplicate rusty swords to buy the golden blade… Entirely up to you
  • WUFriends – Invite your friends and know when they are online. Chat with them while they are in the same game or another
  • WUPrivacy – Every single bit of information you store about yourself on the system can be protected by the “levels of trust” system. This means you can decide what info is seen by who. Not just public and friends lits, but also people who are not friends but you play with often, friends you trust with info you don’t trust all your friends with etc. Various levels of trust will exist and you can protect each individual field to decide exactly who gets to see what.

    Also, in contrast with Facebook where everyone can see your info and some of your posts and then ask to join you, WUPrivacy will keep all info hidden until you assign a person a level of trust. No “Send a message to this person to request to be added to his friends” field so no more “friend” requests from best.handbags@myshop.com with an ad for a message… You receive a username and can either accept, blacklist or just ignore. From the control panel website admins can see people who are often blacklisted so they can investigate if this is just a spammer or an actual user.

  • WUComs – PMs, a “wall” system similar to Facebook’s, direct emails, message boards per game, per clan, per guild, public and private.
  • WUNarrative – A complete game template. If you have a story and 2D graphics to go with it then you can make your entire game in a day… Both the graphics and the story will be set and updated on the website, not in Unity. WUNarrative will allow you to updated your game over time and include new levels without the client ever having to download a new binary… Expand the game forever, but only require a single download…
  • WUCoOp – An add on for WUNarrative that will allow for PvP battles but your strength will be determined by the number of friends in your friends list and the weapons held by them. Heroes are equipped with the best weapons available in your and your friends inventories until no more weapons exist or all heroes are equipped. Total Att and Def is determined from total stats of heroes and their equipment. There will be some more behind the scenes stuff going on but that is the jist of it. Your PvP stats is determined by how many people you have in your friends list and augmented by how many play that game and what their strongest gear is…
  • WURecruits – Buy special characters or unlock them in games. once you have them you can update their stats for currency or by playing with them. Recruits are unique in that they can be taken from game to game with you. Have your ninja ride a broomstick while racing with the witches or have your witches undertake stealth assassination missions in feudal Japan… Buy a troll and have him walk the streets of London to rescue the missing kids kidnapped by the Nazis…

    Whatever games the developer chooses to do, they can choose to let you take the recruits into the game… or not. Up to them. Think Skylanders or Disney Infinity except the characters are virtual, not real world toys. This has the added benefit that Recruits are automatically supported on all platforms Unity supports. Buy on the website, use on your PS4. Buy on your XBO and play on your iPhone… and all stat upgrades are stored online so they transfer to all games you use the recruit in…

  • WUAvatars – Create custom characters and store them online. Take them into any game the developer supports. Play multiplayer games and see your friends avatars as they created them.
  • WULobby – Turn your website into a lobby system for virtual games. Register games, find active games, join games. No more “pay for how many people play your game” limits. No more “pay us to tell your players about available rooms”… Install the kit and have your own online lobby for all your games…
  • More items will be added here in time… I believe this should give you a good idea of where I am heading with this…

WordPress Systems yet to come…