The MBS Core kit currently contains:
Super simple to use, no matter what project I’m doing I always find a need for this.
Now also includes mbsStatemachineLeech which allows you to run multiple state machines off of a single state -
Inspector configurable system to define areas to place GUI elements into. Slide content into and out of this area complete with fading in and out.
CML is a custom data storage and retrieval system. To best describe it, think of it as XML, only easier.
CML also contains a built in save and load system that utilises PlayerPrefs, Resources folders and file paths.
And finally, CML also allows you to generate variables dynamically at runtime and use them as typed variables. CML is even smart enough to provide default values for when you use a variable that doesn’t exist thereby preventing runtime errors and allowing you to save less data to disc.
Make your GUI code work on any screen size
Display a rotating spinner in the center of the screen. 0 configuration, 1 line of code
Animated, on screen notifications with or without an included graphic. Includes header and text. Slide in and out between any two locations / directions. Includes message queuing
Subject to constant updates, this contains extensions that I find makes my life that little more easy. Converting Color into hex values for TextMeshPro or modifying transform.position without having to first copy the Vector then copy the changed one back again. Checking to see if a string is a correctly formatted email address is as simple as: bool valid = somestring.IsValidEmailFormat();
Show messages on screen at runtime. 0 configuration, 1 line of code
Add MD5 and BASE64 en/decoding to your project. 1 line of code to encode or decode a string