
The 60 second introduction

In contrast with the other WordPress For Unity Bridge extensions, the Bridge: Serials extension requires almost nothing for you to do in Unity at all and does most of what it does in the WordPress dashboard instead. To get started with the asset just install it into your project and (if you haven't already done so) upload and activate the wub_serials plugin on your WordPress website. (You only need to do this step once)

So what is the Bridge: Serials extension exactly? Simply put, it allows you to pre-generate any number of serials you want and then pair them up with user accounts. Every user on your website has a unique ID and when they register with a valid serial that ID becomes linked to that serial. This means 4 very important things:

  • Nobody else can use that serial any more because It is already allocated to someone

  • That serial is linked to that specific game for that specific person's account thus spanning all current and future devices, even temporary ones like an internet café or a friend's phone

  • A serial only needs to be entered once per user on any one device then never again. At this point it is safe for the user to forget the serial number as he will never need it ever again, not even when contacting customer support

  • Sharing the game or selling it second hand makes absolutely no sense. The game cannot be played with a serial and the serial is linked to a user's account. The player would have to give up his entire account in order to allow for piracy. This would give all pirates access to the account username/password/email and all pirates would share a high score/game progress/in-game currency/ in-game purchases... It makes no sense to pirate the game.

If a user ever decides to sell the game second hand they first have to contact you to ask you to remove the serial from their account. Now the person can give his serial to the person he is selling to or if he has forgotten it you can tell it to him before you remove it from his account. Once that serial is linked to a new account the original owner will now be unable to play. All his game data will still be stored on your servers but he will need to buy a new license before he can play again. At that time, as just mentioned, all previous scores/items/loot/whatever will be there, waiting.

Simplicity in Unity

From within Unity, Bridge : Serials only exposes 3 functions to you:

  • RegisterSerial
    If a customer owns a serial and has not yet registered the game then use this function to send the serial to the server. It will then be linked to the account of the player who sent it

  • ValidateRegistration
    If at any time you wish to check if a game is registered to the logged in player, call this. It takes no parameters and will either return a bool named "valid" with a value of true or it will trigger your error response callback. This is useful at the start of the game or if you just want to inject random checks to minimize any kind of game hacks

  • FetchSerialNumber
    Again, this takes no parameters, but be sure the user is logged in before you call this.
    NOTE:The serial is NOT needed for anything after registration so the results of this function are purely for you to use in some cosmetic fasion

Dashboard Control panelBridge:Serials comes with a complete dashboard interface for generating and removing serials. You can reserve serials for games being distributed in retail stores and if you have the Bridge: Money plugin installed you can also sell your games directly via your website which results in non-reserved serials being allocated and registered to the buyer automatically upon purchasing your game. This means your customers never have to enter the serial even once, nor even know that they were ever even issued one. Their game will be registered and ready for them to play from the moment your WooCommerce transaction completes.

Also on the dashboard, you can:

  • ► view all available serials
  • ► delete or add new / more serials
  • ► view all allocated serials per game
  • ► view all serials belonging to a specific user
  • ► assign or revoke a serial to/from a specific user with a single click

Automatic Bridge Login integration
WordPress For Unity Bridge

The demo login prefabs installed into your project when you installed the WordPress for Unity Bridge wil automatically detect once the Bridge: Serials expansion is installed into your project and expose a couple of new fields to you

Bool Check_for_serial
If true, the login process will check to see if that account has a registered serial linked to it and set the static value WULogin.HasSerial accordingly

Bool Fetch_serial
If true, the registered serial will be returned after login

Bool Require_serial_for_login
If true, it changes the behavior of the login prefab(s). Instead of closing the prefab so players can start to play, if no valid serial was found it now redirects to a panel where they have to either register with a serial they have in their possession or (optionally) go to your website to buy one.

The PostLoginMenu screen's "Continue playing" button now also does the same test

String Product_url
Used by the button on the registration panel in case you want to sell your game from your website.
Defaults to your website home screen if not set, otherwise it redirects users to this absolute URL (example use: link directly to your game's product page)

Automatic WooCommerce integration
WordPress For Unity Virtual Currency and Tapjoy integration

All WooCommerce integration for all Bridge extensions is enabled by installing the
Bridge : Money plugin on your website.

If you have that plugin installed and enabled then all you need to do to integrate Bridge : Serials into WooCommerce is to create a normal WooCommerce virtual, non-downloadable product and give it an SKU using the format WUSKU_GID_GAME (where GID is the actual Game ID of the game you are selling).
That is all. You are done!

By doing this anyone who buys the game from your website will automatically be allocated a serial and have that serial registered to their account as soon as the transaction state is set to completed. All they need to do is log in and start playing. That simple

Static properties at your disposal

  • Bool RequireSerialForLogin
    Maps to the private "Check for serial" bool set in the inspector. Poll this to determine if a serial is required to continue past a certain point. Currently in use by the login function and "Resume game" buttons to either enter the game or display the registration panel.

  • Bool HasSerial
    Returns whether or not a serial is linked to this account. Works with the "Check for Serial" bool

  • String SerialNumber
    This property holds the player's serial number if "Fetch serial" was set to true

  • ► Enable Require_serial_for_login to force people to pay for the game before they can play. This means you can make your game available for free download and not have to worry about it.

  • ► Disable Require_serial_for_login and enable Fetch_serial. This will fetch the registered serial (if any) during login. By doing this you can do your serial checks (WULogin.HasSerial) after a few free levels thus turning your complete game into a demo. To get the full game they just have to pay on your website or enter a serial. No extra downloading required.

  • ► Disable Require_serial_for_login and enable Fetch_serial. Use this to determine if a player has paid for your game and instead of locking the game after a few levels, unlock in-game bonus content only to paid up players. Extra characters, unlimited ammo, half price in-game purchases, turn of ads etc. Make the game free and earn your money via advertisements but provide an incentive for players to buy the game also or to disable ads.

2 reviews for Bridge : Serials Extension

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    whizbang101 on 2018-09-12 09:31:28

    Essential Tool for anyone wanting to make money from games. - This tool is a essential in my opinion for anyone who seriously values their software, this tool gives you the ability to protect it by using serial keys to licence it and monetarize it safely in the way of selling the keys from your website hence selling your game, it is easy to use and links into WAMP and LAMP configurations stacks without fuss, but I'm using it with WIMP stack and using url rewrites and over SSL oh yes works with no fuss just to make things complicated (friendly urls) with very minimal configuration of rules, and it works great! Now remember this kit requires the authors over kit or kits to work, not that you couldn't recode it to work on other frameworks I would not bother as his system is very good, with all the source included as always with this authors assets NO DLL's, so your can recode it as you please. As mentioned this kit requires for a out the box just work approach his WULogin and to monetarize it WUMoney too and of course a WordPress website with Woo Commerce would be a good idea (not included! he dont apparently provide the internet so you need to get yourself a hosting company that supports Wordpress on a WAMP or LAMP stack for absolute no grief up and running and this problem of how to protect and sell your game is fixed move on, but other serial systems are more than 3times the price anyway and this even supports the serials across multiple devices c'mon, at this price how can you beat that, and I haven’t even got to the best bit yet. The Support! This authors support is second to none he takes pride and is passionate about making his customers happy I should now as I contacted him a couple of times now and sent around 100 emails back and forth yes you read that right but I had multiple issues as I have a little bit more complicated setup than most and urrrh yeah I caused him REAL GREIF, but he handled it very well made light hearted comments to ease the/my frustration and even though a lot of my issues were self-inflicted shall we say (RTFM shall we say! :( ) well I am a little hands on and always leave that to last so you can imagine most would of run for the hills, but he was great can't say enough to how excellent and honorable this author is, like I said I was a real problem customer for him my ignorance well laziness to RTFM main reason, the man is only interested in making his customer happy and I commend him highly, but I dont figure how he can provide this much support and not go bust, well his loss are gain best get in quick in my opinion. Great, Excellent and professional support and defo a five star asset and developer.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    wizbang101 on 2018-09-12 09:31:28

    Essential Tool for anyone wanting to make money from games - This tool is a essential in my opinion for anyone who seriously values their software, this tool gives you the ability to protect it by using serial keys to licence it and monetarize it safely in the way of selling the keys from your website hence selling your game, it is easy to use and links into WAMP and LAMP configurations stacks without fuss, but I'm using it with WIMP stack and using url rewrites and over SSL oh yes works with no fuss just to make things complicated (friendly urls) with very minimal configuration of rules, and it works great! Now remember this kit requires the authors other kit or kits to work, not that you couldn't recode it to work on other frameworks I would not bother as his system is very good, with all the source included as always with this authors assets NO DLL's, so your can recode it as you please. As mentioned this kit requires for a out the box just work approach his WULogin and to monetarize it WUMoney too and of course a WordPress website with Woo Commerce would be a good idea (not included! he don't apparently provide the internet so you need to get yourself a hosting company that supports Wordpress on a WAMP or LAMP stack for absolute no grief up and running and this problem of how to protect and sell your game is fixed move on, but other serial systems are more than 3 times the price anyway and this even supports the serials across multiple devices c'mon, at this price how can you beat that, and I haven't even got to the best bit yet. The Support! This authors support is second to none he takes pride and is passionate about making his customers happy I should now as I contacted him a couple of times now and sent around 100 emails back and forth yes you read that right but I had multiple issues as I have a little bit more complicated setup than most and urrrh. yeah I caused him REAL GRIEF, but he handled it very well made light hearted comments to ease the/my frustration and even though a lot of my issues were self-inflicted shall we say (RTFM shall we say! :( ) well I am a little hands on and always leave that to last so you can imagine most would of run for the hills, but he was great. Can't say enough to how excellent and honorable this author is. Like I said I was a real problem customer for him my ignorance well laziness to RTFM main reason, the man is only interested in making his customer happy and I commend him highly, but I don't figure how he can provide this much support and not go bust, well his loss are our gain. Best get in quick in my opinion. Great, Excellent and professional support and defo a five star asset and developer.


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