myBad Studios started back in 2008 when I created my first game and it immediately hit the top of the charts. When I say immediately, I mean I submitted the game at 2 AM, went to bed and when I got back to my Mac at 7 AM I found an email from my ISP informing me that my account had been suspended for excessive bandwidth usage. After I paid the fee to increase my bandwidth allocation, I found my game ranked number 1 under staff picked games for the Mac Dashboard and later discovered I had already exceeded my bandwidth by 650% before my ISP shut me down… 2 days later I was shut down again so I had to move the download elsewhere.

I have been making assets and doing freelance work ever since so, in 2011, I quit my job and officially formed myBad Studios. I have been working as a full time freelancer and middleware author ever since.

I’ve been coding for over 2 decades now and nearly 10 years of that has been dedicated to developing for Unity. I can say with no ego that I am good at what I do and my goal is to create plugins that are as useful as they are easy to use. My mission statement is simply this: To create code that simplifies even the most complex of tasks to a level where anyone can implement and use it in their projects.

Feel free to browse around the site and have a look at some of the products that are currently available. Imagine the possibilities they can open up to your projects and dare to dream big. myBad Studios is here to simplify the complex and get your game loaded with all those much needed features…
